1. Add approvals
    1. Add approvals on a workspace
    2. Configure approval workflows
    3. Edit or delete approval workflows
  2. FAQ
    1. Can an employee have more than one approval workflow?

Add approvals

New Expensify

Add approvals

Each Expensify workspace can be configured to require additional approvals before payments are authorized. Once approvals are enabled on a workspace, admins will be able to set a default approval workflow to apply to all members of the workspace, as well as set custom approval workflows for specific members.

When workspace members submit expenses, the expenses will require approval from each approver in their approval workflow before payment is authorized.

Add approvals on a workspace

To enable Add approvals on a workspace you are an admin on:

  1. Click your profile image or icon in the bottom left menu
  2. Click Workspaces in the left menu
  3. Select the workspace where you want to add approvals
  4. Click Workflows in the left menu
  5. Click the toggle next to Add approvals

Toggling on Add approvals will reveal an option to set a default approval workflow.

Configure approval workflows

To configure the default approval workflow for the workspace:

  1. Click your profile image or icon in the bottom left menu
  2. Click Workspaces in the left menu
  3. Select the workspace where you want to set the approval workflow
  4. Click Workflows in the left menu
  5. Under Expenses from Everyone, click on First approver
  6. Select the workspace member who should be the first approver in the approval workflow
  7. Under Additional approver, continue selecting workspace members until all the desired approvers are listed
  8. Click Save

Note: When Add approvals is enabled, the workspace must have a default approval workflow.

To set an approval workflow that applies only to specific workspace members:

  1. Click your profile image or icon in the bottom left menu
  2. Click Workspaces in the left menu
  3. Select the workspace where you want to add approvals
  4. Click Workflows in the left menu
  5. Under Add approvals, click on Add approval workflow
  6. Choose the workspace member whose expenses should go through the custom approval workfow
  7. Click Next
  8. Choose the workspace member who should be the first approver on submitted expenses in the approval workflow
  9. Click Next
  10. Click Additional approver to continue selecting workspace members until all the desired approvers are listed
  11. Click Add workflow to save it

Edit or delete approval workflows

To edit an approval workflow:

  1. On the Workflows page, click the approval workflow that should be edited
  2. Click on the Approver field for the approval level where the edit should be made
  3. Choose the workspace member who should be set as the approver for that level, or deselect them to remove the approval level from the workflow
  4. Click Save

To delete an approval workflow:

  1. On the Workflows page, click the approval workflow that shoudld be deleted
  2. Click Delete
  3. In the window that appears,click Delete again


Can an employee have more than one approval workflow?

No, each employee can have only one approval workflow

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